4.4 向量自回归模型(Vector Autoregression)



y1,t=ϕ01+ϕ11,1y1,t1+ϕ12,1y2,t1+ϕ13,1y3,t1+ϕ11,2y1,t2+ϕ12,2y2,t2+ϕ13,2y3,t2y2,t=ϕ02+ϕ21,1y1,t1+ϕ22,1y2,t1+ϕ23,1y3,t1+ϕ21,2y1,t2+ϕ22,2y2,t2+ϕ23,2y3,t2y3,t=ϕ03+ϕ31,1y1,t1+ϕ32,1y2,t1+ϕ33,1y3,t1+ϕ31,2y1,t2+ϕ32,2y2,t2+ϕ33,2y3,t2y_{1,t} = \phi_{01} + \phi_{11,1} * y_{1,t -1} + \phi_{12,1} * y_{2,t -1} + \phi_{13,1} * y_{3,t -1} + \phi_{11,2} * y_{1,t -2} + \phi_{12,2} * y_{2,t -2} + \phi_{13,2} * y_{3,t -2} \\ y_{2,t} = \phi_{02} + \phi_{21,1} * y_{1,t -1} + \phi_{22,1} * y_{2,t -1} + \phi_{23,1} * y_{3,t -1} + \phi_{21,2} * y_{1,t -2} + \phi_{22,2} * y_{2,t -2} + \phi_{23,2} * y_{3,t -2} \\ y_{3,t} = \phi_{03} + \phi_{31,1} * y_{1,t -1} + \phi_{32,1} * y_{2,t -1} + \phi_{33,1} * y_{3,t -1} + \phi_{31,2} * y_{1,t -2} + \phi_{32,2} * y_{2,t -2} + \phi_{33,2} * y_{3,t -2}

可以看到在AR模型的基础上,每一组时间序列的y值都加入了其他两组时间序列值作为模型因子。熟悉线性代数的读者可能已经发现,上面的三个公式可以写成向量乘法的形式,这也是VAR模型名字的由来,写作向量乘法的公式和前面学习的AR模型时完全一致的,在这个公式中,y和 ϕ0 \phi_0 3×13\times1的向量,ϕ1,ϕ2\phi_1, \phi_2 3×33\times3的矩阵。

y=ϕ0+ϕ1×yt1+ϕ2×yt2y = \phi_0 + \phi_1 × y_{t -1} + \phi_2 × y_{t -2}


  • 测试某个变量是否影响其他变量

  • 大量变量需要被预测,而分析师没有太多领域知识

  • 决定某个预测值在多大程度上是由潜在的因果性导致的


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
from statsmodels.tsa.api import VAR
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import grangercausalitytests
from statsmodels.tsa.vector_ar.vecm import coint_johansen
from statsmodels.stats.stattools import durbin_watson
%matplotlib inline
# step1:导入数据,这是一个有八个指标的经济数据
df = pd.read_csv('data/Raotbl6.csv', parse_dates=['date'], index_col='date')
# 画出八个时间序列的图像
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=2,figsize=(10,6))
for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
    data = df[df.columns[i]]
    ax.plot(data, color='red', linewidth=1)
# step2:Granger’s Causality Test , 检验不同序列之间存在互相影响
def grangers_causation_matrix(data, variables, test='ssr_chi2test', verbose=False):    
    df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((len(variables), len(variables))), columns=variables, index=variables)
    for c in df.columns:
        for r in df.index:
            test_result = grangercausalitytests(data[[r, c]], maxlag=maxlag, verbose=False)
            p_values = [round(test_result[i+1][0][test][1],4) for i in range(maxlag)]
            min_p_value = np.min(p_values)
            df.loc[r, c] = min_p_value
    df.columns = [var + '_x' for var in variables]
    df.index = [var + '_y' for var in variables]
    return df

grangers_causation_matrix(df, variables = df.columns)

在输出结果中,index以y结尾,表示响应变量,column以x结尾,表示预测变量,如果p值小于0.05表明存在格兰杰因果性。 因此根据检验数据,完全有理由使用VAR模型。

# step3:ADF测试,检验单个变量是否平稳
def adfuller_test(series, signif=0.05, name='', verbose=False):
    r = adfuller(series, autolag='AIC')
    output = {'test_statistic':round(r[0], 4), 'pvalue':round(r[1], 4), 'n_lags':round(r[2], 4), 'n_obs':r[3]}
    p_value = output['pvalue'] 
    def adjust(val, length= 6): return str(val).ljust(length)

    # Print Summary
    print(f'    Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "{name}"', "\n   ", '-'*47)
    print(f' Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary.')
    print(f' Significance Level    = {signif}')
    print(f' Test Statistic        = {output["test_statistic"]}')
    print(f' No. Lags Chosen       = {output["n_lags"]}')

    for key,val in r[4].items():
        print(f' Critical value {adjust(key)} = {round(val, 3)}')

    if p_value <= signif:
        print(f" => P-Value = {p_value}. Rejecting Null Hypothesis.")
        print(f" => Series is Stationary.")
        print(f" => P-Value = {p_value}. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis.")
        print(f" => Series is Non-Stationary.")
for name, column in df.iteritems():
    adfuller_test(column, name=column.name)
    Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "rgnp" 
 Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary.
 Significance Level    = 0.05
 Test Statistic        = 0.6419
 No. Lags Chosen       = 2
 Critical value 1%     = -3.486
 Critical value 5%     = -2.886
 Critical value 10%    = -2.58
 => P-Value = 0.9886. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis.
 => Series is Non-Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "pgnp" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = 1.2743 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 1 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.486 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.886 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.9965. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Non-Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "ulc" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = 1.3967 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 2 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.486 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.886 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.9971. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Non-Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdfco" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = 0.5762 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 5 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.488 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.887 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.987. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Non-Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdf" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = 1.1129 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 7 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.489 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.887 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.9953. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Non-Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdfim" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -0.1987 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 1 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.486 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.886 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.9387. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Non-Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdfcf" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = 1.6693 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 9 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.49 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.887 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.581 ​ => P-Value = 0.9981. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Non-Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdfce" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -0.8159 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 13 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.492 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.888 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.581 ​ => P-Value = 0.8144. Weak evidence to reject the Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Non-Stationary.

没有一个变量具有平稳性,提示我们需要进一步进行协整检验(cointegration test)。 一般来说进行协整检验的步骤如下: 1.单独检验单个变量是否平稳,使用ADF test, KPSS test, PP test等方法 。 2.如果发现单个序列不平稳,则需要进一步进行协整检验。进行协整检验的目的是当每个变量本身不平稳,有可能他们在某些线性组合下是平稳的。如果两个时间序列是协整的,则表明他们具有长期的,统计学显著的关联,使用Johansen, Engle-Granger, and Phillips-Ouliaris等方法。

# step4: 协整检验,检验多变量平稳性
def cointegration_test(df, alpha=0.05): 
    out = coint_johansen(df,-1,5)
    d = {'0.90':0, '0.95':1, '0.99':2}
    traces = out.lr1
    cvts = out.cvt[:, d[str(1-alpha)]]
    def adjust(val, length= 6): return str(val).ljust(length)

    # Summary
    print('Name   ::  Test Stat > C(95%)    =>   Signif  \n', '--'*20)
    for col, trace, cvt in zip(df.columns, traces, cvts):
        print(adjust(col), ':: ', adjust(round(trace,2), 9), ">", adjust(cvt, 8), ' =>  ' , trace > cvt)

Name   ::  Test Stat > C(95%)    =>   Signif  
rgnp   ::  248.0     > 143.6691  =>   True
pgnp   ::  183.12    > 111.7797  =>   True
ulc    ::  130.01    > 83.9383   =>   True
gdfco  ::  85.28     > 60.0627   =>   True
gdf    ::  55.05     > 40.1749   =>   True
gdfim  ::  31.59     > 24.2761   =>   True
gdfcf  ::  14.06     > 12.3212   =>   True
gdfce  ::  0.45      > 4.1296    =>   False
# step5:划分训练集和测试集
nobs = 4  # 最后四个时间点作为测试集
df_train, df_test = df[0:-nobs], df[-nobs:]
# step6:使用VAR之间,先差分处理使单个变量变得平稳
df_differenced = df_train.diff().dropna()
for name, column in df_differenced.iteritems():
    adfuller_test(column, name=column.name)
# 一阶差分后仍然有些变量不平稳,进行二次差分
df_differenced = df_differenced.diff().dropna()
for name, column in df_differenced.iteritems():
    adfuller_test(column, name=column.name)
    Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "rgnp" 
 Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary.
 Significance Level    = 0.05
 Test Statistic        = -9.0123
 No. Lags Chosen       = 2
 Critical value 1%     = -3.489
 Critical value 5%     = -2.887
 Critical value 10%    = -2.58
 => P-Value = 0.0. Rejecting Null Hypothesis.
 => Series is Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "pgnp" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -10.9813 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 0 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.488 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.887 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.0. Rejecting Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "ulc" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -8.769 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 2 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.489 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.887 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.0. Rejecting Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdfco" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -7.9102 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 3 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.49 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.887 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.581 ​ => P-Value = 0.0. Rejecting Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdf" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -10.0351 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 1 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.489 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.887 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.0. Rejecting Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdfim" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -9.4059 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 1 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.489 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.887 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.58 ​ => P-Value = 0.0. Rejecting Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdfcf" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -6.922 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 5 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.491 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.888 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.581 ​ => P-Value = 0.0. Rejecting Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Stationary.

​ ​ Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test on "gdfce" ​ ----------------------------------------------- ​ Null Hypothesis: Data has unit root. Non-Stationary. ​ Significance Level = 0.05 ​ Test Statistic = -5.1732 ​ No. Lags Chosen = 8 ​ Critical value 1% = -3.492 ​ Critical value 5% = -2.889 ​ Critical value 10% = -2.581 ​ => P-Value = 0.0. Rejecting Null Hypothesis. ​ => Series is Stationary.

# step7:选择模型阶数并训练,根据AIC值,lag=4时达到局部最优
model = VAR(df_differenced)
for i in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]:
    result = model.fit(i)
    print('Lag Order =', i)
    print('AIC : ', result.aic, '\n')
Lag Order = 1
AIC :  -1.3679402315450668 

Lag Order = 2
AIC :  -1.621237394447824 

Lag Order = 3
AIC :  -1.76580083870128 

Lag Order = 4
AIC :  -2.000735164470319 

Lag Order = 5
AIC :  -1.9619535608363936 

Lag Order = 6
AIC :  -2.3303386524829053 

Lag Order = 7
AIC :  -2.592331352347122 

Lag Order = 8
AIC :  -3.3172619764582087 

Lag Order = 9
AIC :  -4.804763125958635 

# 选择lag=4拟合模型
model_fitted = model.fit(4)
# step8:durbin watson test,检验残差项中是否还存在相关性,这一步的目的是确保模型已经解释了数据中所有的方差和模式
out = durbin_watson(model_fitted.resid)
for col, val in zip(df.columns, out):
    print(adjust(col), ':', round(val, 2))  # 检验值越接近2,说明模型越好
rgnp   : 2.09
pgnp   : 2.02
ulc    : 2.17
gdfco  : 2.05
gdf    : 2.25
gdfim  : 1.99
gdfcf  : 2.2
gdfce  : 2.17
# step9:模型已经足够使用了,下一步进行预测
lag_order = model_fitted.k_ar
forecast_input = df_differenced.values[-lag_order:]
fc = model_fitted.forecast(y=forecast_input, steps=nobs)
df_forecast = pd.DataFrame(fc, index=df.index[-nobs:], columns=df.columns + '_2d')
# step10:将差分后的值还原为原数据
def invert_transformation(df_train, df_forecast):
    df_fc = df_forecast.copy()
    columns = df_train.columns
    for col in columns: 
        # 写一个长度为6的数列,用纸笔写出差分的计算过程,可以帮助理解下面这两行还原过程
        df_fc[str(col)+'_1d'] = (df_train[col].iloc[-1]-df_train[col].iloc[-2]) + df_fc[str(col)+'_2d'].cumsum()
        df_fc[str(col)+'_forecast'] = df_train[col].iloc[-1] + df_fc[str(col)+'_1d'].cumsum()
    return df_fc
df_results = invert_transformation(df_train, df_forecast)  
df_results.loc[:, ['rgnp_forecast', 'pgnp_forecast', 'ulc_forecast', 'gdfco_forecast',
                   'gdf_forecast', 'gdfim_forecast', 'gdfcf_forecast', 'gdfce_forecast']]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=int(len(df.columns)/2), ncols=2, dpi=150, figsize=(10,10))
for i, (col,ax) in enumerate(zip(df.columns, axes.flatten())):
    df_results[col+'_forecast'].plot(legend=True, ax=ax).autoscale(axis='x',tight=True)
    df_test[col][-nobs:].plot(legend=True, ax=ax);
    ax.set_title(col + ": Forecast vs Actuals")


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